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hi, my name is gabe wilson and I'm a Writer and illustrator!

I've worked with various clients for over 12 years and refined my craft. Each project excited me with its own challenges including book illustrations, comics, concept art, logo design, music album art, apparel design, and more. The fruits of these working relationships are evident within each venture and inspire me to embrace new enterprises. 

I discovered my passion for graphic novels and character design through these projects and found myself instinctively drawing creatures, critters, or people throughout my day. Our natures interest me to the point of continually asking why we do what we do, and what makes us tick. The beauty of quality character design is when you can relate to the talking toy on the TV screen--to feel what he felt, or understand their true motivations. The wonder of graphic novels and comics is that it helps visualize a world that might not be described in words. 

Storytelling is intrinsically a part of my makeup. A story may be fictional, but there is still truth in its roots. I find meaning and motivation in storytelling and the lessons I've learned drive me forward to share them with others. 

Take a look at my Resume!
Resume Concept & Illustrator.jpg

Gabe Wilson Copyright 2024

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